Our company

Cleeven was built based on 2 strongly held convictions

We are convinced that the excellence of European engineers will enable Europe to develop its leadership position in terms of Technological Innovation and R & D. As engineers, we actively work alongside our customers to ensure their global competitiveness.
The high level of our technical expertise, skills, and the human and customer relations qualities of our Consultants enable our customers to carry out their projects.
Cleeven Consulting

The stake involved for us is simple

« To provide the best human and technological skills
within optimal timeframes »

Quotes icon

We have set our sights high:
It is our “Human Mission”, or in other words, to raise the level of awareness of those in our inner circle. This is not necessarily as easy as it looks… »

We all have a duty in terms of retaining awareness
We must harness our human and intellectual potential in order to contribute to a better world

After a very selective recruitment process, we support our Consultants via a coaching program.
This program is aimed at making our Consultants aware of their potential, and helps them to develop it.
We are strongly determined to contribute to increasing the communications and customer relations capacities of everyone around us.
  • Convictions
  • -
  • Energy
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  • Talents
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  • Skills
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  • Duties
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  • Motivations

Our sectors / Our other sectors

Cleeven engineering : Energy Sector


  • Nuclear
  • Water
  • Wind power
  • Oil & Gas
  • Marine energy
  • Mining
  • Chemical batteries
  • Hydrogen
Cleeven engineering : Service sector & Banking

Service & Banking

  • Risk and Compliance
  • Digital transformation
  • Business analysis
  • Project Management
  • Software Architecture and Development
  • Business Intelligence
  • Qualification / Testing
  • IT Production
  • Systems Administration
Cleeven engineering : Aerospace & Defence Sector

Aerospace & Defence

  • Sizing
  • Calculations / Modelling
  • IT Development
  • Mechanical design
Cleeven engineering : Transport Sector


  • Project Management
  • Industrial Performance
  • Industrialization
  • System Design
  • Mechanics
Cleeven engineering : Pharmaceutical & Chemical Sector

Pharmaceutical & Chemical

  • Fine chemicals
  • API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)
  • Fill finish
  • Lyophilisation
  • Sterilization
  • OTC (Over The Counter)
Cleeven engineering : IT & Telecommunications Sector

IT & Telecom

  • Design
  • Software Development
  • Big Data / BI
  • Architecture
  • Network engineering
  • Deployment
  • Testing
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