Energy Sector Photo | Cleeven Consulting


From renewable energies to nuclear, passing through gas and oil, we accompany our clients with commitment and expertise to shape a better future.

See our offers
  • Nuclear
  • Water
  • Wind power
  • Oil & Gas
  • Marine energy
  • Mining
  • Chemical batteries
  • Hydrogen
1770 Md

Global - 2023

1000 Md

Europe - 2023


Growth rate - 2023

≈ 150

New companies - 2023

Our sectors / Our other sectors

Cleeven engineering : Service sector & Banking

Service & Banking

  • Risk and Compliance
  • Digital transformation
  • Business analysis
  • Project Management
  • Software Architecture and Development
  • Business Intelligence
  • Qualification / Testing
  • IT Production
  • Systems Administration
Cleeven engineering : Aerospace & Defence Sector

Aerospace & Defence

  • Sizing
  • Calculations / Modelling
  • IT Development
  • Mechanical design
Cleeven engineering : Transport Sector


  • Project Management
  • Industrial Performance
  • Industrialization
  • System Design
  • Mechanics
Cleeven engineering : Pharmaceutical & Chemical Sector

Pharmaceutical & Chemical

  • Fine chemicals
  • API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)
  • Fill finish
  • Lyophilisation
  • Sterilization
  • OTC (Over The Counter)
Cleeven engineering : IT & Telecommunications Sector

IT & Telecom

  • Design
  • Software Development
  • Big Data / BI
  • Architecture
  • Network engineering
  • Deployment
  • Testing
Interested ?  Check our offers