Jack Canfield

Photo of Jack Canfield  | Cleeven Consulting

Who is Jack Canfield ?

Jack Canfield (born 1944) is an American author, motivational speaker, coach, corporate trainer and entrepreneur.

Jack Canfield is a graduate of Harvard. He is the co-author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul”, which has over 250 titles and 500 million copies in print in over 40 languages.

In 2005, Canfield co-authored “The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be” with Janet Switzer.

Jack Canfield is recognized as one of the top success coaches in the world.

Jack Canfield has dedicated his life for over 50 years to understanding the Principles of Success. His book, “The Principles of Success”, describes the immutable rules that enable those who apply them to get what they want.

Jack Canfield Interview

Episode 69: Julien Berardi

Join Julien Berardi as he shares impactful solutions in engineering and technology while illustrating the transformative power of Success Principles for exponential growth in business.

Are you interested in your success ?

So are we !
We all seek to “Succeed in life”, don’t we ? The definition that each one gives of “Success” is quite personal, there is not only one and unique model of Success.
The Success, it is above all :
Getting what you want from yourself …And this is what Cleeven wants to contribute to

The success principles

A book that could change your life
Photo of The success principles book | Cleeven Consulting

Cleeven Coaching

At Cleeven, we are committed to supporting you in your personal and professional development. That's why we've created our method based on books by renowned authors in personal development such as:
Anthony Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Stephen Covey, John C. Maxwell, Robert Greene, Brian Tracy, Wayne Dyer, Darren Hardy, Simon Sinek, Dale Carnegie, Noah Harari.

As well as based on the methods proposed by Jack Canfield, who in the book “The Success Principles” has perfectly synthesized the success methods of the world's greatest leaders and entrepreneurs. We offer you certified ESSEC coaches who will accompany you throughout your career at Cleeven to help you achieve your professional and personal goals.
Additionally, each of our consultants receives a copy of Jack Canfield's “The Success Principles” book as well as the opportunity to access supplementary support materials to unleash their full potential.

At Cleeven, we have only one goal: your success!

Cleeven Consulting

More about ?

Of course, you can actively participate in the Cleeven Coaching programs around the “Success Principles” by Jack Canfield!
We advise you to go further and take an interest in the numerous publications and seminars offered by Jack Canfield’s organization, and why not… Participate in the events offered by Jack Canfield himself?
Interested ?  Check our offers