Service & Banking
Service sector & Banking Photo | Cleeven Consulting

Service & Banking

Innovation and risk management/compliance guide our actions in the tertiary and banking sector. From digital transformation to project management, our team ensures the success of each project, offering our clients the peace of mind needed to thrive.

See our offers
  • Risk and Compliance
  • Digital transformation
  • Business analysis
  • Project Management
  • Software Architecture and Development
  • Business Intelligence
  • Qualification / Testing
  • IT Production
  • Systems Administration
6 000 Md

Global - 2023

550 Md

Europe - 2023

≈ 8.5%

Growth rate - 2023


New companies - 2023

Our sectors / Our other sectors

Cleeven engineering : Energy Sector


  • Nuclear
  • Water
  • Wind power
  • Oil & Gas
  • Marine energy
  • Mining
  • Chemical batteries
  • Hydrogen
Cleeven engineering : Aerospace & Defence Sector

Aerospace & Defence

  • Sizing
  • Calculations / Modelling
  • IT Development
  • Mechanical design
Cleeven engineering : Transport Sector


  • Project Management
  • Industrial Performance
  • Industrialization
  • System Design
  • Mechanics
Cleeven engineering : Pharmaceutical & Chemical Sector

Pharmaceutical & Chemical

  • Fine chemicals
  • API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)
  • Fill finish
  • Lyophilisation
  • Sterilization
  • OTC (Over The Counter)
Cleeven engineering : IT & Telecommunications Sector

IT & Telecom

  • Design
  • Software Development
  • Big Data / BI
  • Architecture
  • Network engineering
  • Deployment
  • Testing
Interested ?  Check our offers